The official blog for the Peace, War, & Social Conflict Section
Dr. Lynette Ong University of Toronto
Dr. Daniel Jaster Texas Tech University
Dr. Rawan Arar, University of Washington
Dr. David Scott FitzGerald, University of California San Diego
Basak Gemici, University of Pittsburgh
Blair Sackett, University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Dana Moss, University of Notre Dame
Laura Acosta, Northwestern University and Dr. Robert Braun, University of California Berkeley
Sinduja Raja, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver
Dr. Ann Mische, Ruth Carmi, Anna Johnson, Dr. Leslie MacColman, Şehrazat G. Mart, and Carli Steelman
Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies and Department of Sociology University of Notre Dame
Dr. Ori Swed, Texas Tech University
Blair Sackett, University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Ashley V. Reichelmann, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Dr. Michael A. Messner, University of Southern California
Erin L. McAuliffe, University of Michigan
Dr. Yagil Levy, Open University of Israel
Dr. Selina Gallo-Cruz, College of the Holy Cross
Dr. Steve Carlton-Ford, University of Cincinnati
Amanda C. Ball, Brown University
Seth Behrends, University of Illinois at Chicago
Kristin Foringer, University of Michigan
Editor's Note
Welcome to Conflict(ed), the official blog for the Peace, War, & Social Conflict Section of the American Sociological Association.
We created this blog as a forum, designed to facilitate discussion among the section members, experts in the field, and practitioners... Continue Reading the Editor's Note